as to promote safety and protection of consumer health
The 12th ARSO Continental Essay Competition Organized by the African Organization for Standards (ARSO) in partnership with the South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS). This Essay competition, held by ARSO since 2012, aims to foster a culture of quality among Africa’s youth, equipping them with insights into the critical role of standards in sustainable development.
March 6, 2025Juba, South Sudan The South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS), in line with its mandate under the National Bureau of Standards Act of 2012, has intercepted 1,644 cartons of expired pasta during a routine market inspection.To safeguard public health, the expired products were safely disposed of at the designated dumping site on the outskirts of Juba.The Director General of Technical Operations reaffirmed SSNBS’s commitment to ensuring that all imported and locally available products meet national safety standards.SSNBS urges businesses and consumers to remain vigilant and report any suspected expired or counterfeit products.
A South Sudan where international provisions in standardization, conformity assessment, quality assurance, metrology, testing and technical regulations are implemented in all the sectors of the economy to enhance prosperity for all
To enhance coordination of programmes and projects that promotes effective standards, quality assurance, metrology, testing, accreditation, calibration and inspection services in South Sudan
South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS) commenced as Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO) in the Sudan. The SSMO was established through the Ministry of Cabinet Resolution No. 287 dated 1992, Presidential Decree issued on 10th November 1992 and National Assembly Resolution No. 68 dated 1993. It was housed too within the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, Republic of the Sudan.
The South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS) was first established as a Directorate of Grade &Standards of the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Supply in 2006 vide Republican Decree through Council of Ministers’ Resolution 116/2006 and later created as a full fledged Bureau in 2012 via SSNBS Act to take charge of development of standards, inspection and quality assurance&, and metrology, testing and calibration services in the Republic of South Sudan
Arising from the mandate and in accordance with SSNBS Act 2012 & Weights & Measurements Act 2012, the SSNBS Functions are to: